HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 184
Slice 0: / (root) file system
Slice 1: Swap device and dump device
Slice 6: /usr file system
Slice 7: SVM state database
Prepare another LU with the same capacity as that of the created boot
disk, and make the configuration and capacity of slices the same.
Create the SVM state database.
# matadb -a -f c8t50060E08000436D1d4s7
# metadb -a c8t50060E08000436D1d5s7
Decide the metadevice names.
In this procedure, specify the settings as follows:
/ (root) file system
d10(mirror) ---- d11(submirror),d12(submirror)
d20(mirror) ---- d21(submirror),d22(submirror)
d30(mirror) ---- d31(submirror),d32(submirror)
Create metadevices for / (root), swap, and /usr, and then mirror each of
them (single mirror).
# metainit -f d11 1 1 c8t50060E08000436D1d4s0
# metainit d10 -m d11
# metainit -f d21 1 1 c8t50060E08000436D1d4s1
# metainit d20 -m d21
# metainit -f d31 1 1 c8t50060E08000436D1d4s6
# metainit d30 -m d31
Edit the file /etc/vfstab to change the swap definition to the
metadevice /dev/md/dsk/d20, and the /usr definition to the
metadevice /dev/md/dsk/d30.
Before change:
/dev/dsk/c8t50060E08000436D1d4s1 - swap - no
/dev/dsk/c8t50060E08000436D1d4s6 /dev/rdsk/
c8t50060E08000436D1d4s6 /usr ufs 1 no -
After change:
/dev/md/dsk/d20 - swap - no -
/dev/md/dsk/d30 /dev/md/rdsk/d30 /usr ufs 1 no -
Set the dump device.
# dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d20
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Solaris