HP MPX200 Multifunction Router User Manual
User guide

HP MPX200 Multifunction Router Remote
Command Line Interface
User Guide
This document describes how to use the Remote Command Line Interface (Remote CLI or simply RCLI) to configure and manage
the HP MPX200 Multifunction Router. It is intended for personnel who are responsible for installing and servicing an HP MPX200
Multifunction Router and the SAN equipment to which it is attached.
HP Part Number: 5697-2510
Published: March 2013
Edition: 3
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP MPX200 Multifunction Router Remote Command Line Interface
- Contents
- 1 Getting started
- 2 General keywords
- 3 Command reference
- ?
- add fcip_route
- add initiator
- add lunmask
- add notification
- clear display
- clear log
- connect system
- create host
- destroy host
- disable beacon
- disable fc_port
- disable io_statistics
- disable iscsi_port
- discover iscsi_target
- enable beacon
- enable fc_port
- enable iscsi_port
- execute script
- find system
- generate script
- help
- list array
- list host
- list initiator
- list log
- list lun
- list presented
- list target
- list vlan
- list vp_group
- login iscsi_target
- logout iscsi_target
- map global_iscsi_target
- map target
- merge csv
- modify fcip_route
- modify host
- modify initiator
- modify migration
- modify notification
- ping system
- reboot system
- register system
- remove array
- remove fcip_route
- remove initiator
- remove lunmask
- remove notification
- remove target
- report log
- rescan system
- reset_factory system
- restore fru_config
- retval system
- save capture_file
- save fru_config
- save log
- save script
- script csv
- set append
- set array
- set chassis
- set fc
- set fc_adv
- set features
- set iscsi
- set iscsi_adv
- set isns
- set mgmt
- set notification
- set ntp
- set password
- set presented
- set snmp
- set system
- set time
- set vlan
- set vp_group
- show append
- show array
- show chassis
- show fc
- show fc_adv
- show fc_statistics
- show fcip_route
- show fcip_statistics
- show features
- show host
- show initiator
- show io_statistics
- show iscsi
- show iscsi_adv
- show iscsi_statistics
- show isns
- show lun
- show lunmask
- show mgmt
- show notification
- show ntp
- show performance
- show presented
- show snmp
- show status
- show system
- show target
- show time
- show vlan
- show vp_group
- show zone
- test notification
- tracert system
- unmap global_iscsi_target
- unmap target
- unregister system
- update firmware
- version system
- view log
- wait time
- 4 Data Migration commands
- acknowledge migration
- add dm_group
- add dml
- add migration
- clear dm_log
- clear dm_report
- list dm_group
- list dm_log
- list migration
- modify dm_group
- pause migration
- remove dm_group
- remove dml
- remove migration
- report dm_log
- resume migration
- save dm_log
- save dm_report
- show dm_group
- show dml
- show migration
- start migration
- stop migration
- upload dm_report
- view dm_log
- 5 Support and other resources
- 6 Documentation feedback
- A Commands by category
- B API error codes
- Glossary
- Index