1 getting started, Firmware requirements, Obtaining help – HP MPX200 Multifunction Router User Manual

Page 7: Command line scripting, Generating script files

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1 Getting started

This chapter provides information to help you get started using the Remote CLI utility.

For instructions to install the Remote CLI, see the Readme file for the utility.

Firmware requirements

Some RCLI router management commands or their keywords require that you install a minimum
version of the router firmware. If a minimum firmware version is required, it is noted in the description
of that specific command or keyword. All data migration commands require that the router is
running firmware Version or later.

Obtaining help

To view a summary of all available commands, enter the ? command.

The command syntax is action item and may be followed by one or more keywords.

To view a detailed description of a specific command, enter the command as action item with
the -help keyword. For example:

c:\> rcli show system -help

Command line scripting

All commands supported by Remote CLI accept all required inputs from the same command line
that runs the program. This ability allows you to use any scripting language that can run a command
line, including Microsoft batch files, Linux shell scripts, and higher level scripting languages such
as Perl or Python.

Applications for command line scripting include:

Preparing and testing operations during the day, which enables you to run operations faster
and without errors at night.

Repetitively performing complex operations with fewer operator errors.

Collecting performance data over time to find the least busy time to schedule maintenance.

Use of the broadcast function to collect data from all routers in the local network.

Remote CLI accepts command input from a file and generates script files that you can edit and
execute. In general, the generated scripts contain more command content than is needed, requiring
you to delete some unwanted content, but avoiding the necessity of manually adding new content.

Generating script files

Remote CLI can generate the following types of script files:

save script

Collects the current router settings and produces a script with the Remote CLI

commands needed to reconfigure the router after resetting it to the factory defaults

generate script -mask

Produces a script that applies LUN masks for every available

LUN to every available initiator

generate script -present

Produces a script that creates a presented target for every


For more information, see

“generate script” (page 26)


Firmware requirements