Setting security options for firefox – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

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If you use Internet Explorer 10 or 11, specify the same protected mode for the Internet domain for
accessing Device Manager, and for the Internet domains of other programs that cooperative with
Device Manager, and for the Internet domain of the HP site ( If different modes
are specified, the other programs cannot start or the Online Help cannot access the HP site.

The following problems might occur:

Online Help might not display properly.

An error message displays that indicates that Adobe Flash Player is not installed.

If you encounter these problems, disable ActiveX filtering, and from Internet Explorer, in Compatibility
View settings, register the IP address or the host name of the Device Manager server. If the online
Help does not display properly even after these settings are applied, press F5 to refresh the browser


Set the text size to Medium or Larger. If you set text size to Largest, text characters might overlap.

Related topics

About configuring browser settings

, page 21

Disabling pop-up blocking for IE

, page 23

Setting security options for Firefox

To communicate with the XP7 Command View AE management server and Remote Web Console,
configure Firefox security options.

Firefox settings not described here are optional.


To communicate with Remote Web Console on an HP XP7 storage system, the IP address or host
name of the service processor (SVP) must be set.


Start Firefox.


In the environment settings window, set the items as follows:

• Enable first-party, third-party, and session cookies.
• Disable pop-up blocker and plug-ins.
• Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 when using HP XP7.
• Load images automatically (for Firefox versions earlier than ESR 24).
• Enable JavaScript (for Firefox versions earlier than ESR 24).
• Use the default font.

Related topics

About configuring browser settings

, page 21

User Guide