IAI America XSEL-S User Manual
Page 91
5. V
ision System I/F Function Setting
5.8.5 When Camera Mounted on Robot
(When camera other than EZ-110XL is used)
This section explains how to setup when the camera is installed on the camera as shown in the
picture below.
When Camera Mounted on Robot
[Procedure 1] Open the Vision System I/F adjustment window from the PC software.
A warning dialog box opens.
Note :
If “Vision System I/F adjustment” is not shown in the main menu, check the version of
PC software or the related I/O parameter settings.
I/O Parameter
No.351 Bit 0-3=1
PC Software Version Capable for Vision
System I/F adjustment
XSEL-P/Q: V7.06.08.00 or later
XSEL-R/S: V9.0.0.0 or later