Timer/counter1, 1 features, 2 overview – Rainbow Electronics ATtiny861_V User Manual

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16. Timer/Counter1



10/8-Bit Accuracy

Three Independent Output Compare Units

Clear Timer on Compare Match (Auto Reload)

Glitch Free, Phase and Frequency Correct Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)

Variable PWM Period

Independent Dead Time Generators for each PWM channels

Five Independent Interrupt Sources (TOV1, OCF1A, OCD1B, OCF1D, FPF1)

High Speed Asynchronous and Synchronous Clocking Modes

Separate Prescaler Unit



Timer/Counter1 is a general purpose high speed Timer/Counter module, with three independent
Output Compare Units, and with PWM support.

The Timer/Counter1 features a high resolution and a high accuracy usage with the lower pres-
caling opportunities. It can also support three accurate and high speed Pulse Width Modulators
using clock speeds up to 64 MHz. In PWM mode Timer/Counter1 and the output compare regis-
ters serve as triple stand-alone PWMs with non-overlapping non-inverted and inverted outputs.
Similarly, the high prescaling opportunities make this unit useful for lower speed functions or
exact timing functions with infrequent actions. A simplified block diagram of the Timer/Counter1
i s s h o w n i n

F i g u r e 1 6 - 1

. F o r a c t u a l p l a c e m e n t o f t h e I / O p i n s , r e f e r t o

” P i n o u t

ATtiny261/461/861” on page 2

. The device-specific I/O register and bit locations are listed in the

”Register Description” on page 113
