3 timer/counter1 control register c - tccr1c, 4 timer/counter1 - tcnt1h and tcnt1l, 5 output compare register 1 a - ocr1ah and ocr1al – Rainbow Electronics ATmega64C1 User Manual

Page 130: 6 output compare register 1 b - ocr1bh and ocr1bl

3 timer/counter1 control register c - tccr1c, 4 timer/counter1 - tcnt1h and tcnt1l, 5 output compare register 1 a - ocr1ah and ocr1al | 6 output compare register 1 b - ocr1bh and ocr1bl | Rainbow Electronics ATmega64C1 User Manual | Page 130 / 366 3 timer/counter1 control register c - tccr1c, 4 timer/counter1 - tcnt1h and tcnt1l, 5 output compare register 1 a - ocr1ah and ocr1al | 6 output compare register 1 b - ocr1bh and ocr1bl | Rainbow Electronics ATmega64C1 User Manual | Page 130 / 366