Star Micronics Line Thermal/Dot Printer User Manual
Page 136

Rev. 0.00
STAR LIne Mode Command Specifications
Command Transmission Example
1) Set the Auto Logo function in advance and register to the non-volatile memory.
ESC GS / 1 n ( n = 0x01 ):
Auto Logo Function ON
ESC GS / 2 n ( n = “/” ):
Auto Logo Command Character (“/”) Specification
ESC GS / 3 nL nH d1 d2 … dk:
User macro 1 definition
nL = 4 nH = 0:
Register macro data count = 4 bytes
d1 = 0x1b d2 = 0x1d d2 = 0x61 d3 = 0x01:
Registration macro
ESC GS / 4 nL nH d1 d2 … dk:
User macro 2 definition
nL = 12 nH = 0:
Register macro data count = 12 bytes
d1 = 0x1b d2 = 0x64 d3 = 0x03:
Registered macro
d4 = 0x1b d5 = 0x1c d6 = 0x70 d7 = 0x01 d8 = 0x00:
d9 = 0x1b d10 = 0x1d d11 = 0x61 d12 = 0x00:
ESC GS / 5 n ( n = 0x01 ):
Auto Logo command character, space conversion
ESC GS / 6 n ( n = 0x01 ):
Partial cut valid just prior to Auto Logo printing
Register Auto Logo definition data to
non-volatile memory.
2) Embed registered command character in print data and transmit.
“CHEESE BURGER/2” → “/” is recognized as the command character.
The command character is converted to a space and “2” specifies logo 2.