Siemens Brodersen MC55 AT User Manual

Page 232

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Page 232 of 475


Confidential / Released

Parameter "port" (optional):

0: Port number will be assigned from service (default).

1 ... 2


-1: defines the local port number for the UDP client.


- FTP client URL (get)

"ftp://'user':'password'@'host':'tcpPort'/'url-path' [;type='a|i|d'] "

Refer "IETF-RFC 1738".

- FTP client URL (put)

"ftpput://'user':'password'@'host':'tcpPort'/'url-path'/'element name'

[;type='a|i'][;mode='u|a|d'] "

Used parameters:

"host" is mandatory, all other parameters are optional.

If "password" is set then "user" must be set as well.

If "user" is omitted the string "anonymous" is selected for "user" and "pass-


If "password" is omitted the password request is served by an empty string.

If "tcpPort" is omitted the service connects to the FTP default port 21.

If "url-path" contains only the IP address a directory listing is requested.

If "url-path" contains the IP address and has a slash '/' appended a detailed

directory listing is requested.

"type": [a)scii | i)mage | d)irectory]

"mode": [u)nique | a)ppend | d)elete]

"u)nique" selects the FTP Store Unique command to create a file name

unique to the current directory. If the file name is assigned by the server

then the "


" URC will appear, indicating

2100 and the

file name.

"d)elete" clears given 'element name'.

If "mode" is omitted "replace mode" is default setting.



HTTP client URL

Length: 6 ... 255

"http://'server'/'path':'tcpPort' "

"server": FQDN or IP-address

"path": path of file or directory

"tcpPort": If parameter is omitted the service connects to HTTP default port


Refer to "IETF-RFC 2616".


SMTP SMTP server address (string).

Length: 4 ... 256.


POP3 POP3 server address (string).

Length: 4 ... 256.


Optional parameter for HTTP method "Post".

Length: 0 ... 127

Can be used to transfer a small amount of data. The content of this string will

only be sent if "hcContLen" = 0. The maximum length of "hcContent" is 127


To transmit a larger amount of data "hcContLen" must be set to a non-zero

value. In this case the "hcContent" string will be ignored, and data transmission

from the client to the server is done with




Mandatory parameter for HTTP method "Post".

Length: 0 ... 2



The content length shall be set in the header of the HTTP "Post" request before

the data part is transferred.

If "hcContLen" = 0 then the data given in the "hcContent" string will be posted.

If "hcContLen" > 0 then the


command will be used to send data from

the client to the server. In this case, "hcContLen" specifies the total amount of

data to be sent. The data can be sent in one or several parts. For each part,

the transmission is triggered by the URC "


: x, 1", then the



command can be executed. After the exact number of bytes are transferred via