Siemens Brodersen MC55 AT User Manual

Page 220

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Page 220 of 475


Confidential / Released

need to do so several times until the service confirms that data can be sent or received.

• The first parameter of the




commands is always the

, the second

parameter is the number of bytes which the host either wants to send to or is able to receive from the module.

The way the module handles the data transfer follows the rules of the ordinary socket interface and is aware

that a host may be limited by its input buffer size. The maximum data size supported by MC55 is 1500 bytes

in both directions (read or write). To send or receive more than 1500 bytes, the read or write action shall be

repeated until the data transfer has completed. Each read or write action requires that the command response





) confirms that the service is ready to send or receive data.

To end an upload data stream set the

in the last



• The


command shall be used to monitor the progress of the session. The command reports the ser-

vice state of the used service profile and indicates the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent

and, in the case of sending, the number of bytes acknowledged or unacknowledged at TCP layer.

• If an error occurs during a session you can enter the


command and the

to iden-

tify the reason. This is especially important in polling mode.

• The


command can be used any time to query the current status of one or all connection profile(s).

• Finally, to end a session, enter the


write command and the


Maximum number of profiles defined / used:
• Up to 6 connection profiles can be created (with



• Up to 10 service profiles can be created (with


), but the number of parallel profiles of the same ser-

vice type is limited as listed below. If the maximum number of a service profile type is already defined, any

attempt to set up another profile for the same type will be denied with "+CME ERROR: operation of service

temporary not allowed".
- Maximum 3 HTTP profiles
- Maximum 6 socket profiles: The socket service can accept an incoming connection only when at least one

service profile is still free (not yet created with


), otherwise the incoming connection will be

rejected from the listener.

- 1 FTP profile
- 1 POP3 profile
- 1 SMTP profile

• The TCP/IP stack of MC55 supports one service profile at a time. Trying to run more than one service profile

may result in a blocking of one of these service profiles.

Using Internet Service AT commands on several interfaces (ASC0, ASC1 or Multiplex mode on ASC0):
• A connection profile can be created on one interface and then viewed or changed on all other interfaces.
• A service profile can be used only on one interface at a time:

- Service profiles can only be opened on the interface where they have been defined with



- Accordingly, on each interface the read commands


? and


? deliver full status informa-

tion for the service profiles configured / opened on this interface, while service profiles related to other

interfaces are only listed by

and service type name (=

value "srv-

Type") without any status parameters.

- Changes to a service profile are allowed only on the same interface where it was created, trying to change

it on another interface is denied with "+CME ERROR: Invalid index". If queried with the read command


? the entire profile is returned on the interface where the service profile was created, while on all

other interfaces only the service type of the profile is stated.

- To free a service profile for use on another interface, use the


command and select service type

= "none". This action deletes the entire profile and restores all parameters of the profile to their initial

power-up state (all values are empty). For example, to remove the service profile 3, set



Type,none. After this, a new profile 3 can be created on any other interface.