List of tables – Siemens Brodersen MC55 AT User Manual

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Table 1.1:

Symbols used to mark the type of parameters ........................................................................... 16

Table 1.2:

Symbols used to indicate the correlations with other commands ............................................... 16

Table 1.3:

Symbols used to mark different types of default values of parameters ..................................... 16

Table 1.4:

Types of AT commands and responses .................................................................................... 17

Table 1.5:

Examples for character definitions depending on alphabet ........................................................ 20

Table 2.1:

Current configuration on ASC0 / MUX channel 1 (example) ...................................................... 31

Table 2.2:

Current configuration on ASC1 and MUX channels 2 and 3 (example) .................................... 31

Table 2.3:

Wake-up events in NON-CYCLIC and CYCLIC SLEEP modes ................................................. 40

Table 2.4:

General "CME ERROR" Codes (GSM 07.07) .......................................................................... 45

Table 2.5:

General "CME ERROR" Codes (SIEMENS) ............................................................................ 46

Table 2.6:

GPRS related "CME ERROR" Codes (GSM 07.07) ................................................................. 46

Table 2.7:

SMS related "CMS ERROR" Codes (GSM 07.05) ................................................................... 46

Table 4.1:

Availability of AT Commands on Virtual Channels .................................................................... 96

Table 4.2:

Summary of AT commands with Different Behavior in Multiplex Mode ..................................... 97

Table 10.1:

Applicability of


values ................................................................... 222

Table 10.2:

Applicability of


values ................................................................... 228

Table 12.1:

Summary of Fax Class 2 URCs defined by EIA PN-2388 ........................................................ 303

Table 18.1:

Modes of the LED and indicated ME functions......................................................................... 438

Table 20.1:

Star-Hash (*#) Command Overview ........................................................................................ 444

Table 20.2:

Abbreviations of Codes and Parameters used in Table


.................................................. 445

Table 20.3:

Star-Hash Command Response Parameters .......................................................................... 446

Table 20.4:

Star-Hash Commands for Supplementary Services ................................................................ 446

Table 20.5:

Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN........................................................... 447

Table 20.6:

Availability of AT Commands Depending on Operating Mode of ME ....................................... 454

Table 20.7:

Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC0 / MUX Channel 1...................................................... 461

Table 20.8:

Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC1 / MUX Channels 2 and 3.......................................... 462

Table 20.9:

Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F ....................................................................... 464

Table 20.10: Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) .......................................................................... 467
Table 20.11: Alphabetical List of AT Commands........................................................................................... 470

List of Tables