Failing to publish – Grass Valley Trinix Multiviewer Installation User Manual

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TRINIX — TMV Installation and Service Manual

Section 10 — TMV Troubleshooting

Failing to Publish

If the file transfer process times out while trying to publish, (

Figure 202


duplicate messages will be displayed in the Result column.

Figure 202. Publish Configuration Report

The Windows Firewall program may not allow the configuration to be pub-
lished. Grass Valley recommends that you turn off Windows Firewall since
the network on which the TMV runs is behind your corporate firewall.

If you choose to keep Windows Firewall turned on, you can set the firewall
settings to allow the TMV software to pass through.

Follow these steps to configure Windows Firewall:


Navigate to the Windows Firewall settings.

(32 bit) Start> Control Panel> System and Security> Windows Fire-
wall or

(64 bit) Start> Control Panel> Windows Firewall.


Click the Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall
hyperlink (

Figure 203
