Trinix multiviewer editor, Overview, Section 6 — trinix multiviewer editor – Grass Valley Trinix Multiviewer Installation User Manual

Page 106

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TRINIX — TMV Installation and Service Manual




Trinix Multiviewer Editor


This section explains the Trinix Multiviewer interface from an operator’s
point of view. When the TMV software is installed on the workstation,
there will be two icons added to the desktop, The Trinix Multiviewer Con-
troller and the Trinix Multiviewer Editor. This section will explain the
Trinix Multiviewer Editor. The Trinix Multiviewer Controller will be
explained in the Trinix Multiviewer Controller section on

page 188


The Trinix Multiviewer Editor is provided to aid in managing and adding
Monitor Walls, Monitors, and Tiles. The Editor also provides hardware
management. The hierarchy that is used in the Editor is, from largest to
smallest, Site> TrinixFrame> System> Monitor Wall> Monitor> Tile

Figure 67. Trinix Multiviewer Hierarchy


Monitor Wall
