Toolbar buttons – Grass Valley Trinix Multiviewer Installation User Manual

Page 135

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TRINIX — TMV Installation and Service Manual

Section 6 — Trinix Multiviewer Editor

The applied changes will only take effect if there is enough room in the
monitor to apply the change. When an item in a monitor is touching the
side of the monitor and is dragged towards the side, the selected item will
move in another direction because there is no space for it to be placed. An
alert will also appear displaying the reason that a change cannot be made.

Figure 100

for an example.

Figure 100. Example Alignment Alert

Toolbar Buttons

When selecting for adjustments there will be a Primary selection and a Sec-
ondary selection; there may be many secondary selections. The Primary is
the base and the secondary items will adjust, move, or change in associa-
tion to the Primary selection.

The first item selected is the Primary. Re-selecting a selected item will make
that item the Primary. The Primary selection will have a Dark green high-
light. The Secondary selections will have a light green highlight

Figure 101


Figure 101. Primary and Secondary Selection

Align Left

Figure 102. Align Left

Selecting this icon will align the selected items by their left sides.

