Using the context-sensitive bin menu, Chapter 2 setting up the bin – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Setting Up The Bin


Digital News Production

Using the Context-Sensitive Bin Menu

Many NewsEdit features are available by right-clicking in the Bin window.
This menu displays available commands depending on where you click.

Menu Item



Changes the Bin view to Details View.


Changes the Bin view to Thumbnails View.


Copies a clip or sequence from the Bin to the clipboard.


Pastes a clip or sequence from the clipboard to the Bin.


Deletes the selected clip from the Bin.


Changes the name of a bin, clip, or sequence.


Strips a clip or sequence of any unused data, reducing the file size.

Copy to Timeline

Copies the selected clips in the Bin to the Timeline.

Copy to Source Tool

Copies the selected clips into the Source Tool.

Send to File

Send a clip or sequence to another destination.

View Player

Previews the selected clip or sequence in a viewer window.

View Trimmer

Opens the bin trimmer.

View Timeline

Opens the Timeline window.

Import Clip

Opens the Import Clip dialog box so you can select a file to import.

Record to Bin

Records a clip directly into the Bin instead of the Timeline.

Play to Tape

Records sequences onto videotape.


Opens the Find dialog box so you can search for a clip or sequence.

Find in Workgroup

Searches for clips or sequences on other workstations in your workgroup.

Restore Default Sort

Restores the default sort order in the Details View of the Bin window.

Column Manager

Opens the Column Manager so you can change the columns in the Bin.

Show References

Displays all places a clip is used (sequences, sub-clips, and master clips).


Opens the Properties window so you change the properties of a file.