Main toolbar, Main toolbar bin – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

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Chapter 1

Introducing NewsEdit


Digital News Production

Main Toolbar

The Main Toolbar lets you access common NewsEdit functions:


The Bin is a database where clips and sequences are stored and organized. The
top-level bin appears by default when you start NewsEdit. You can create
additional bins to organize your media. You can also customize the information
about each clip and then search specific fields in the database.

See “Setting Up The Bin” on page 37 for details on using the Bin.




Send to File

Sends a clip or sequence to another destination.

Timeline View

Displays the main view with the selected sequence on the

Trimmer View

Opens the selected clip in the Trimmer for editing.

Player View

Displays the video in another player window.

Story View

Displays the script for the selected sequence, if there is one.

Record to Bin

Records clips directly into your Bin; not available in NewsEdit

Play to Tape

Records the selected clip or sequence to tape; not available in
NewsEdit SCE.


Displays the properties for the currently selected clip or
sequence, including the description, creation date, and location.

Render Effects

Renders the currently selected transitions or other selected

Render All

Renders all unrendered transitions and effects in the current

Mix Down

Collapses a video effect into the video clip below it, allowing
you to apply another effect to the same clip.

Media Explorer

Opens the Media Explorer program, which allows you to obtain
and manage media files from your network.