Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

Page 208

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Chapter 11 Creating Video Effects (Option)


Digital News Production

Defining 3D Source and Target Space (NewsEdit XT only)

NewsEdit uses two frames of reference for its 3D transformation effects: source
space and target space.

• The source space uses an object's (channel) coordinate system for reference.

• The target space uses the coordinate system of the next higher level for


The combination of source and target space is useful in effects editing; one space
can use a simple context for image transforms, while the other can use a more
complex coordinate system. Manipulating the two spaces simultaneously can
create complex effects.

The simplest way to visualize source vs. target space is to move a rotated picture
across the screen using two coordinate systems:

• The rotated picture is the source space, or frame of reference. The source's

coordinate system is transformed with the picture so that the x, y, and z axes
are defined relative to the 'face' of the picture.

• The monitor screen is the target space, or frame of reference. The target's

coordinate system is unchanged -- x is left to right, y is up and down, z is closer
and farther. In this case the target space is also the global frame of reference,
having the same coordinate system as the screen.