Adding audio crossfades, Applying crossfades to the audio tracks only, Applying crossfades automatically with transitions – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

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Chapter 8

Adding Transitions to Your Sequences


Digital News Production

Adding Audio Crossfades

If you want to soften the transition between two audio clips, you can add an
audio crossfade. NewsEdit lets you create audio crossfades between any two
edit points in your sequence. Apply crossfades to only the audio tracks in a clip
or with each video transition you create.

Applying Crossfades to the Audio Tracks Only

You can apply the audio crossfade to just the audio tracks in your clip.

To create an audio crossfade:

1. Press


on the keyboard to select the Transition Tool.

2. Move the mouse over the cut point between the two audio clips where you

want to place the transition.

The cursor turns into a red X.

3. Click the mouse once on the audio track to place the effect.

The audio crossfade appears on the Timeline as a blue box with an X in it.
Audio crossfades do not have to be rendered.

Applying Crossfades Automatically With Transitions

You can also have NewsEdit apply an audio crossfade each time you add a
video transition effect between edit points.

To create an Audio Crossfade automatically:

1. Press


on the keyboard to select the Transition Tool.

2. Click the

Auto-Apply Crossfade


Each time you apply a video transition, an audio crossfade occurs on the audio
tracks at the same point. The audio crossfade uses the same settings you are
using for the video transitions; position, duration, and cut point.

You can also adjust the settings for the audio crossfade separately from the
video transition if desired. Click to highlight the transitions for crossfading,
whether all or some of the audio tracks.