Moving clips in the timeline, Moving audio clips – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

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Chapter 7

Fine Tuning and Advanced Editing


Digital News Production

Moving Clips in the Timeline

When you move clips in the Timeline, the result differs slightly based on the
current edit mode. If you are in Overwrite Edit Mode, a moved clip covers other
clips. If you are in Splice Edit Mode, a moved clip pushes other clips out.

To move a clip:

1. Press


on your keyboard to choose the Timeline Tool.

2. Click once on the clip in the Timeline you want to move.

An outline appears around the clip you selected.

3. Drag the clip to its new location.

You can also use the following keyboard keys to move clips:

Moving Audio Clips

You can move an audio clip to any of the eight NewsEdit audio tracks.

To move an audio clip to a different track:

• Drag the audio clip to the desired track.

Keyboard Keys


Numberpad 4

Moves the selected clip one frame to the left on the Timeline.

Numberpad 6

Moves the selected clip one frame to the right on the Timeline.

Ctrl + Numberpad 4

Moves the selected clip 10 frames to the left on the Timeline.

Ctrl + Numberpad 6

Moves the selected clip 10 frames to the left n the Timeline.


Moves the selected clip to the previous cut point.


Moves the selected clip to the next cut point.
