Working in shared or local mode – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual
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Working in Shared or Local Mode
Digital News Production
Working in Shared or Local Mode
You can use NewsEdit either in shared or local mode:
• Shared mode uses a shared media database. All NewsEdit workstations
access the same bins; the bins are locked so two editors can’t make changes
to the same file at the same time.
• Local mode uses your computer’s local disk storage and a local media
database. Each NewsEdit workstation has its own Bin on the NewsEdit
machine, and cannot share the Bin. In order to use someone else’s files, you
need to import them into your Bin.
NewsEdit indicates your current mode at the top of the window.
You create sequences in NewsEdit the same way regardless of what mode you
are working in. The main difference is that your Bin is shared, and all editors
using a NewsEdit workstation have access to the same media files you do,
according to security settings.
NewsEdit in shared mode