Using control track, Using match frame, Match frame to bin – Grass Valley NewsEdit XT v.5.5 User Manual

Page 158: Using control track using match frame

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Chapter 7

Fine Tuning and Advanced Editing


Digital News Production

Using Control Track

Control track lets you see the actual count of a clip or piece of tape instead of
using timecode. Control track is available in the Timeline and Source Tools.

To use control track:

• Click the

Control Track


The timecode field changes and the text becomes yellow. To switch back to
viewing the timecode, click the Control Track button again.

To reset the control track to zero:

• Click the

Reset Control Track

button while in Control Track mode.

Using Match Frame

NewsEdit can match frames on the Timeline with the input source. Use Match
Frame if you need to add more material at the beginning or end of a clip.

You can Match Frame to either the Bin or Source.

Match Frame to Bin

Match Frame to Bin finds a frame you select from the Timeline and loads it in
as a clip source.

To match frame to the Bin:

1. Select a clip on the Timeline.

2. Select the frame you want to match.

3. Press


on the keyboard.

NewsEdit finds the frame on the clip and loads it as a clip source.