PRG Vx76 User Manual 3.6 User Manual
Page 405

A dual-purpose function which allows manual control values to be staged and then recalled in a specified time. Sneak
provides a graphic display of command-line entries that would not normally be visible and also provides a means of
creating manual control moves "on-the-fly." For this purpose, values can be assigned to parameters and then recalled
at a specified time, luminaire time, or by manually pressing Enter at the touchscreen.
Soft Encoder
One of six soft encoders provided for mapping parameters other than pan, tilt and intensity (which are mapped to
hard encoders).
The rate of change of a luminaire’s variable parameters. As opposed to time (e.g. 5 seconds), speed is how fast the
parameters will move.
Stack, Cue
Cue Stacks (also known as "multiple cue lists") allow for additional cue lists separate from the main cue list. Each cue
stack can have its own set of cue numbers and includes the ability to store submaster attributes such as bump
modes, creation of cue based chases, etc.
To energize a luminaire arc lamp (applies to arc-lamp luminaires only).
To advance a halted (stopped) effect to its next step.
Step (Effect)
A component of an effect sequence. Steps specify what action the applied set (groups of lights) are to take in an
Also see
To save any intensity value, parameter attribute, group selection, or timing information into a specified target (e.g.,
cue, palette, preset, etc.).
A playback device that can be used to execute cues, board cues, and effects. Cues include luminaire target states
(crossfades) and effects.
In handling MIDI timecode from an external source, synchronized is when incoming timecode arrives approximately
on time, and the frame number agrees with the expected time from the system’s internal clock.
Saved settings for filter, timing, and/or sneak modes.
Control of the duration of change for a luminaire parameter. Time is defined in minutes and seconds.
Timing Disable
A submaster mode which inhibits timing values on the associated submaster, allowing playback at full speed.
Timing Mode
A touchscreen display mode, which provides a means of defining timing, delay, and speed values for any or all
combination of parameters.