PRG Vx76 User Manual 3.6 User Manual

Page 399

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To de-energize a luminaire lamp. (Douse is unrelated to intensity states.)

Down Fade Time

Timing value associated with channel intensity settings. Down Fade time affects the intensity transition in the event
the transition is in a downward direction. The Down Fade time has an associated delay time.

Dynamic Disable

A submaster mode which prohibits the replay of dynamic states on that submaster.


A quick method for creating dynamic effects (states of motion) across groups. Controls such as waveform, rate, size,
offset direction, and gravity can be used to customize and implement dynamics.


In a wash luminaire, edge defines the spot or flood range of the diffusion mechanism(s). In a spot luminaire, edge
defines the hardness or softness of the beam edge.


A programmed chase sequence that can be played back on any submaster. An effect consists of programmable sets
and sequences. When assigned to a cue number, the effect data is the only data stored with the cue. 500 effects
may be programmed, numbered from .01 to 999.99.

Effects Index

Changes orientation of rotating effect.

Effects Wheel

A beam altering mechanism available in some luminaires. Sometimes called a "prism" wheel.

Effect Timing

Timing values applied to an overall effect or its associated steps. Each step in a sequence can be provided with a
discrete attack time (fade in), sustain time (hold), decay (fade out) and step time. Each effect can be provided with an
overall fade-in time, fade-out time, duration, and decay time.

Emergency Cue

The state a luminaire will assume if communication between the luminaire and the console is disrupted for more than
15 seconds. It is possible to have no emergency cue specified (in which case the luminaire will fade to inactive) or to
have a "Remain in State" instruction, in which case the luminaire will take no action. Any cue can be specified as the
emergency cue by using the Settings window.


A luminaire mechanism which allows framing of the light beam. Control for frame is provided by the soft encoders.


Used to withhold data from a preset or a cue, or to control what is recalled in a submaster or palette. Assignment of
filters is a manual attribute. If a cue is recorded with a filter in place, the filter becomes a mask and is a recorded
element in that cue. Filters active during preset records will withhold that data from the target preset. Filters are
ignored during preset recall and cue/preset update commands. Applied submaster filters take effect on the next cue

Filter Mode

A touchscreen display mode, which provides access to filter states.