Stacks in the cue sheet window – PRG Vx76 User Manual 3.6 User Manual

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Stacks in the Cue Sheet Window

The Cue Sheet window displays the current Cue Stack, along with new Cue Stack toolbar functions. A pop-up menu
allows selection of Cue Stacks by number.

To open the Cue Sheet window, select Cue Sheet from the Operation menu.



To create, view and edit Cue Stacks, open the Cue Sheet window by selecting Cue Sheet
from the Operation menu.


The Cue Stack toolbar will only be visible when a Cue Stack is selected.


The "Stack" pop-up menu will display the currently selected Cue Stack when the window
is first opened.


Use the "Stack" pop-up menu to select and display any stored Cue Stack. (Only

previously stored

Cue Stacks will be available).


Cue Stack attributes are stored per each Cue Stack.

Cue Stack pop-up menu

Cue Stack #

Cue #

Loop - Creates a "chase"

Auto Follow - Sets chase step
time when Loop is checked

Priority - sets a priority level

Rate - Sets a rate

Bump - Sets fader type

Independent - sets stack
as independent