Copy data – PRG Vx76 User Manual 3.6 User Manual

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Move a cue to a new number:


At keypad, press [Copy/Move] [Copy/Move] [Cue] [1] [At] [201] [Enter] - moves Cue 1 data to Cue 201 (Cue 1 is
now blank).

Move a range of cues to a new number range:


At keypad, press [Copy/Move] [Copy/Move] [Cue] [1] [Thru] [5] [At] [201] [Enter] - moves Cues 1-5 to Cues 201-
205 (Cues 1-5 are now blank).

Note: Preset, Color, Beam, Group, Macro, Snapshot, Effect, Dynamic, Stack, Effect, Sequence, or Set can be
substituted for Cue in the above examples.

Note: For a range of cues greater than 10, a confirmation dialog window will be displayed.

Copy or Move a submaster:


[Copy]/[Move] [Sub] n [At] m,



Press and hold [Copy] or [Move] then, on the touchscreen, select the source and then the destination submaster.

Copy Data

The Copy Data feature allows you to copy all the data from one channel to another, or to multiple channels. This is
useful if additional luminaires are added to an existing lighting rig. When copying to multiple channels, the data will
only be copied to luminaires of the same type as the source, leaving others unchanged.


There is no Undo for this action, so it is recommended that a backup of the show file is made for

archive purposes.

To copy data:


1. Select control channel(s) of luminaire(s) to receive data.


2. At Data menu, select Copy Data.

Note: Only one copy data action can be done at a time, from a single source.


3. A dialog window will open that allows selection of a source channel number. Click OK.

Enter source channel to copy data from.