Loop, Wait/trail time, Loop wait/trail time – PRG Vx76 User Manual 3.6 User Manual

Page 267

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To link a snapshot, macro, or effect to the currently selected cue, press [Link] [Macro*] [n] [Enter] - where n is the
number of the macro you wish to link.

* [Snap Shot] or [Effect] can be used instead of [Macro].

To Effects

A cue can either have data or recall an effect, but not both. When an effect is linked to a cue, the effect will be recalled
when that cue number is played.

Link an effect to a cue:


[Cue] [n] [Link] [Effect] [x] [Enter] - links Effect x to Cue n.


Loop instructions are used in combination with link instructions to replay a sequence multiple times.

When a cue with a link and loop instruction is played back, the linked cue will automatically be played back on the
same submaster and then the original cue would be reloaded and the sequence would repeat as defined by the loop
number. After the defined number of loops, the submaster will automatically load the next sequential cue into the
submaster’s pending file, activating the next cue based on autofollow for loop or sequential cue.

Loops should be defined on the last cue of a sequence.

Store a cue with link and loop instructions:


[Store] [n] [Link] [m] [Loop] [x] [Enter] - links Cue n and Cue m with a loop of x times.

Add a loop to an existing linked cue:


[Cue] [n] [Loop] [x] [Enter] - Cue n and its linked cue will loop x times.

Remove a loop instruction from a linked cue:


[Cue] [n] [Loop] [Enter].

To add a Loop instruction to the currently selected cue, press [Loop] [n] [Enter] - where n is the number of
desired loops.

Wait/Trail Time

Wait or Trail time instructions may be stored into a cue to control the start of subsequent or linked events (refer to


on page 250


Wait is a timing attribute which causes the next event to be automatically executed after the wait time has elapsed.
The wait time begins counting from the moment the cue is executed.

Trail is a timing attribute which causes the next event to be automatically executed after the trail time has elapsed. The
trail time begins counting from the moment the cue has completed.



A cue can have either a Wait or a Trail instruction, but not both.


If no linked event is specified (via a Link instruction), then the subsequent cue in the cue list will execute after the
wait/trail time has elapsed.


If a linked event is specified, the linked event will execute after the wait/trail time has elapsed.

Note: In the following examples, Trail could be used instead of Wait. Click [Wait/Trail] once for Wait and twice for Trail.

