14 parameter reference, 1 structure of the parameter description, Parameter reference – Lenze PC-based Automation Industrial PC User Manual

Page 125: In the chapter entitled, Parameter, Reference, Industrial pc | parameter setting & configuration

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Industrial PC | Parameter setting & configuration

Parameter reference

Structure of the parameter description


Parameter reference

This chapter lists all parameters of the Industrial PC and the extension modules in

numerically ascending order. The parameters of a Lenze device are called codes. Each code

can further be divided into subcodes.
Depending on the configuration and assembly of your Industrial PC, the parameter lists

may vary.
This chapter contains the following parameters:

Parameters of the standard device of the Industrial PC:

Parameters of standard devices

( 129)

Ethernet interface (on board)

( 153)


( 155)

PLC (Logic/Motion)

( 159)

Extension modules of the Industrial PC:

Industrial PC extension modules

( 161)

CAN communication card (MC-CAN2)

( 162)

EtherCAT communication card (MC-ETC)

( 172)

PROFIBUS master communication card (MC-PBM)

( 207)

Ethernet communication card (MC-ETH)

( 209)


Structure of the parameter description

Each parameter is described in the parameter list in the form of a table which consists of

the following three areas:

Table header
The table header contains the following general information:

Parameter number (Cxxxxx)

Parameter name

(Display text in the »Engineer« or in the web-based parameterisation)

Data types

Decimal and hexadecimal parameter index for access via bus systems

Table contents
The table contains further general explanations and notes on the parameter and the

possible settings. The representation depends on the parameter type:

Parameters with read access

( 126)

Parameters with write access

( 126)