INFICON MDC-360 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

Page 54

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by the Power Alarm Delay parameter then a Minimum Power Alert warnin
be given.

g will


ation from

osition rate deviates by more than this percentage

ate deviation attention message will be displayed in

00.0% disables this function.


43. Rate Dev. Abort (00.0 to 99.9%)

rameter sets the allowable percent deviation from the

ple Dwell% (000.0 to 100.0)

h Sample Dwell% parameter establishes the percentage of the Sample Time for

e sampling is used for high deposition

thickness where crystal life is a problem. By sampling the rate periodically and

the power level to establish rate control, then closing the crystal shutter

aintaining the power level, a large deposition thickness can be achieved

with one crystal. The primary sensor must have an individual shutter for the rate
sample feature. The default for this parameter is 100% which enables sampling at
all times.

45. Sample Period (0 to 9:59:59)

The Sample Period parameter defines the sample period. For example, a sample
time of 5 minutes and a dwell of 40% will result in the crystal being sampled for 2
minutes, then the crystal shutter is automatically closed for the remaining 3
minutes while the deposition power is kept constant. Please note, once the crystal
shutter has opened, there is a 5-second delay for crystal stabilization before



defines the controller’s action in the event of a crystal failure. The

nt layer on time-power, or switch to

is the primary crystal.

is parameter would be the same value as



41. Rate Dev. Attention (00.0 to

The rate deviation attention parameter sets the allowable percent devi
the deposition rate. If the dep
during the deposition, than a r
the Parameter/Status display. The default setting of

42. Rate Dev. Alarm (00.0 to 99.9%)

This parameter sets the percent deviation from the deposition rate required to
trigger a rate deviation alarm. The default setting of 00.0% disables this functi

The rate deviation abort pa
deposition rate. If the deposition rate deviates by more than this percentage and
the deposit power is at the maximum or minimum power alert level then the
process will be aborted. The default setting of 00.0% disables this function.

44. Sam

T e
which the crystal is being sampled. Rat

and m


46. Crystal Fail (Halt, Time Pwr,

This parameter
options are to halt the process, finish the curre
a backup crystal. Use the Enter key to cycle between the options.

47. Backup Sensor (1 to 4)

This parameter defines the backup sensor input for the backup crystal. For a dual
sensor head, this parameter is set to 2 assuming sensor #1
However, for six crystal sensor head, th
the Sensor# parameter and the Backup Crystal # parameter below would be set
two. This is because the six crystal sensor head uses one sensor input to measu