Rate calculation, Rate control, Empirical calibration – INFICON MDC-360 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual

Page 124: Film density, Rate calculation -4, Rate control -4, Empirical calibration -4, Film density -4, Ter is described in section 10.6.1

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The deposition rate is calculated by dividing the change in thickness between

r to filter out quantizing and sampling noise introduced by

% of the final value in 5 sec.

10.5 RATE


0 by comparing the measured


r in

impedance of the more commonly deposited materials is stored in the

MDC-360 memory. These materials are also listed in Table 9.1.

the a


f the parameters

is known they should be used initially. If the acoustic impedance is not known


ugh to allow an

e test substrates to be made with

ptical interferometer or surface measuring device.


sition, use a fresh crystal and remember to write down


ustic impedance parameter has been accurately

established previously, a fresh crystal is not required.

measurements by the time between measurements. The rate is then filtered by a
three pole digital filte
the discrete time, digital nature of the measurement process. The above filter has
an effective time constant of about 2 seconds. Following a step the displayed rate
will settle to 95

Deposition rate control is achieved in the MDC-36
thickness rate with the desired thickness rate. The rate error and the rate of
change of rate error are then used to determine how much to increment the
up or down.

The amount the power is incremented is also affected by the response parameter.
The response parameter is divided by 50, squared and then used as a multiplie
the determination of delta power.

The rate error is divided by the programmed rate and multiplied by 100 to obtain
the displayed percent rate error.



For many film materials the film density and acoustic impedance is known to
sufficient accuracy that the values can be used directly, and empirical calibration
of these parameters is not necessary. A library of material names, density and

If the values of the density and acoustic impedance are not known they can be
calibrated empirically as described below.

tion requires the establishment of the film density, the tooling factor and

coustic impedance in this order If the approximate value o

use the value 8.83, the value for quartz.

10.6.1 FILM


Establishing the film density can be accomplished by depositing a trial film
several test substrates placed around and as close as possible to the sensor crystal
and in the same plane. The trial deposition should be thick eno
independent measurement of the film on th
adequate precision using an o

n making the trial depo

the final thickness reading displayed by the MDC-360, as this will be needed in

calculation. If the aco