Power ramps, Power ramps -11 – INFICON MDC-360 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
Page 43
all materials and the parameters which must be set to utilize the different feature
he MDC-360. For a detailed description of any mate
of t
rial parameter, go to
are typically set when
s the
f the
ess readings
with those on the substrates. This parameters is determined empirically.
f no other features are required then the remaining parameters can be
ed by the
sed for source material conditioning prior to and after the
wer level
lable prior
to and one after the deposit states. The first ramp prior to deposit is the soak and
p is needed prior to deposit then you
Soak Time, Soak Power and Soak Time
following is a list of the material parameters that
defining a new material:
cess Name - If you select a material from the default material library (pres
right arrow key from the material name parameter and press enter on the
desired material) then the density and acoustic impedance for that material
will be entered automatically. If your material is not in the library then yo
must enter the name, density and acoustic impedance.
Sensor input and crystal number - Defines the sensor and crystal number o
sensor which will be used to monitor this material.
Source output and pocket number - Defines the source and pocket number of the
source that the material will be deposited from.
Tooling Factor - Used to correlate the controller’s rate and thickn
Control loop parameters (Proportional Gain, Integral Time, Derivative Time).
The default settings for these parameters are a good starting point.
Deposit Rate #1 - Defines the target deposit rate for the material.
Maximum Power - Defines the maximum deposit power for the material.
The above parameters are typically all that are needed to deposit the most basic
materials. I
neglected. The following is a list of the more specialized features defin
material parameters. All of the features are disabled by default. POWER RAMPS
er ramps are u
deposit states. A power ramp is defined by a ramp time, a ramp too po
and a hold time before the next state. There are two power ramps avai
the second is the predeposit. If only one ram
should use the predeposit ramp. The power ramp after the deposit states is called
the Feed.
The parameters used to define the three power ramps are as follows:
Soak Power Ramp - Rise to
Predeposit Power Ramp - Rise to Predeposit Time, Predeposit Power and Ram
to Feed Time
Feed Power Ramp - Ramp to Feed Time, Feed Power and Feed Time