HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 598

Message ID
Message Text
then contact your vendor or
maintenance company.
aa...aa: Line number in which the
error occurred (decimal number)
bb...bb: Error number (errno)
(decimal number)
cc...cc: Detailed information
Execute the DLMgetras utility for
collecting HDLM error information,
and then contact your HDLM
vendor or the maintenance
company if there is a maintenance
contract for HDLM. For details on
the DLMgetras utility, see
DLMgetras Utility for Collecting
HDLM Error Information on page
KAPL10319-W usage: /sbin/dlmcfgmgr [-s]
| -o {special-file-
name ... | all}
| -i {special-file-
name ... | all}
| -v
| -u {special-file-
name ... | all}
| -logfs log-file-size}
Since the parameter of the HDLM-
configuration definition utility
(dlmcfgmgr) was inaccurate,
execution of the dlmcfgmgr utility
failed. For details on the
dlmcfgmgr utility, see
Specify the correct options, and
then re-execute the dlmcfgmgr
The file format is invalid. File
name = aa...aa. Refer to the
Messages section of the HDLM
User's Guide for instructions to
correct this problem.
The file format is invalid.
aa...aa: file name
Re-execute the HDLM-
configuration definition utility
(dlmcfgmgr). If the same
message is output, execute the
DLMgetras utility for collecting
HDLM error information, and then
contact your HDLM vendor or
maintenance company if you have
a maintenance contract for HDLM.
For details on the DLMgetras
utility, see
Collecting HDLM Error Information
dlmcfgmgr utility, see
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Linux