Installing hdlm for managing boot disks, Installing hdlm for managing boot disks -132 – HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
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/dev/sddlmab3 swap swap defaults 0 0
Copy the lines in which devices are specified with UUID.
Comment out the copy-source lines by placing a hash mark (#) at the
beginning of each of the lines.
Change the devices described using UUID in the copied data to
descriptions using HDLM devices.
Restart the replication-destination host.
To apply the edited results obtained in step 12, restart the replication-
destination host by executing the following command:
# /sbin/shutdown -r now
Delete any unnecessary information regarding HDLM devices that were
created on the replication-destination host.
Execute the HDLM configuration definition utility (dlmcfgmgr -u all -s)
to delete any unnecessary information about the HDLM devices.
An example of executing the command is as follows:
# dlmcfgmgr -u all -s
KAPL10340-E Several processes failed. See the /var/opt/
DynamicLinkManager/log/dlmcfgmgr1.log file. Check the message
output before this message.
The KAPL10340-E message is output. This does not affect HDLM
Execute the view operation of the HDLM command (dlnkmgr view -lu)
to check that HDLM correctly recognizes the number of storage devices,
the number of LUs, and the number of paths.
An example of executing the command is as follows:
# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -lu
Product : AMS
SerialNumber : 85003482
LUs : 1
iLU HDevName Device PathID Status
0115 sddlmab /dev/sda 000000 Online
/dev/sdb 000001 Online
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name
= view, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
The above execution results indicate that one storage system and one LU
in a two-path configuration are recognized.
Note that you can remove the backup file created in step 1 if you are no
longer going to use the file.
Installing HDLM for Managing Boot Disks
This section explains the procedure for installing HDLM in an environment in
which the boot disk is on a SCSI device in the storage system, and for
creating an HDLM device. This section also explains the procedure for setting
up an environment in which the HDLM device is the boot disk.
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Linux