HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 213

Check the underlined section.
If Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server is being
used, check the SCSI device name in the /proc/swaps file.
The SCSI device name is displayed in the Filename column.
If the block device name or the udev name was specified in steps 3 and 4,
execute the following commands to check the SCSI device:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Execute the udevadm command. Specify the block device name for -n.
# udevadm info --query name -n /dev/disk/by-uuid/
The sda2 value output is the SCSI device name corresponding to
For SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server
Execute the udevinfo command. Specify the device name (udev
name) in the /dev/disk directory for -n.
# udevinfo -q name -n /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-2000c50fffecb6ae0-
The sda2 value output is the SCSI device name corresponding to /
Back up the /etc/fstab file.
Edit the /etc/fstab file, and delete the LABEL setting.
Comment out all lines for which LABEL is used, as checked in step 3, by
adding a hash mark (#) to the start of each of those lines, and then add a
line specifying the SCSI device as follows, given the correspondence
between LABEL and the SCSI device as checked in step 5.
#LABEL=/ / ext2 defaults
1 1
/dev/sda2 / ext2 defaults
1 1
#LABEL=/boot /boot ext2 defaults
1 2
/dev/sda1 /boot ext2 defaults
1 2
In addition, add a line specifying the SCSI device checked in step 6 as
shown above if the /etc/fstab file contains #LABEL=SWAP-sda3.
Back up the boot loader configuration file.
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Linux