HP OneView User Manual
Page 333
Outputs the response body from the POST restore call.
$restoreResponse = start-restore $sessionID $hostname $uploadResponse
# append the appropriate URI to the IP address of the Appliance
$backupUri = $uploadResponse.uri
$restoreUri = "/rest/restores"
$fullRestoreUri = $hostname + $restoreURI
$body = @{ type = "RESTORE"; uriOfBackupToRestore = $backupUri } | convertTo-json
# create a new webrequest and add the proper headers
$rawRestoreResponse = setup-request -uri $fullRestoreUri -method "POST" -accept "application/json" -contentType
"application/json" -authValue $authinfo -Body $body
$restoreResponse = $rawRestoreResponse | convertFrom-Json
return $restoreResponse
catch [Net.WebException]
Write-Host $_.Exception.message
##### Check for the status of ongoing restore #####
function restore-status ([string]$authinfo = "foo",[string]$hostname,[object]$restoreResponse,[string]$recoveredUri
= "")
Uses GET requests to check the status of the restore process.
.PARAMETER authinfo
**to be removed once no longer a required header**
.PARAMETER hostname
The appliance to connect to
.PARAMETER restoreResponse
The response body from the restore initiation request.
.PARAMETER recoveredUri
In case of a interruption in the script or connection, the Uri for status is instead obtained through
this parameter.
None, does not accept piping
None, end of script upon completion or fail.
restore-status *$authinfo* -hostname $hostname -restoreResponse $restoreResponse
restore-status -hostname $hostname -recoveredUri $recoveredUri
$retryCount = 0
$retryLimit = 5
$retryMode = 0
# append the appropriate URI to the IP address of the Appliance
if ($recoveredUri -ne "")
$fullStatusUri = $hostname + $recoveredUri
write-host $fullStatusUri
$fullStatusUri = $hostname + $restoreResponse.uri
# create a new webrequest and add the proper headers (new header, auth is needed for authorization
$rawStatusResp = setup-request -uri $fullStatusUri -method "GET" -accept "application/json" -contentType
"application/json" -authValue $authinfo
$statusResponse = $rawStatusResp | convertFrom-Json
$trimmedPercent = ($statusResponse.percentComplete) / 5
$progressBar = "[" + "=" * $trimmedPercent + " " * (20 - $trimmedPercent) + "]"
Write-Host "`rRestore progress: $progressBar " $statusResponse.percentComplete "%" -NoNewline
catch [Net.WebException]
C.2 Sample restore script 333