HP VMA-series Memory Arrays User Manual
Page 108

AM456-9007B Rev 02
HP VMA SAN Gateway Installation and User Guide
Exporting LUNs
To export LUNs:
Select vSHARE > Manage LUNs in the VMA Web Interface.
The LUN Management page appears.
Select a container in the Container ID drop-down list in the Container area.
Click on a LUN in the LUNS area to highlight it.
Click the Add Export button in the Exports area.
The Add Export dialog box appears.
Select the initiators to which the LUNs are exported.
To export to all initiators, select the All Initiators option button.
To export to specific initiator groups or initiators, select the Specific
Initiator Groups and/or Initiators option button and select one or more
Initiator Groups in the Initiator Groups list. Individual initiators may be
added by entering the appropriate initiator names in the Initiator list. Each
initiator name must be on a separate line.
Select the target ports through which the LUNs are exported.
To export through all target ports, select the All Ports option button.
To export through specific target ports, select the Specific Ports option
button and select one or more target ports in the Ports list.
Define the method of assigning IDs to the exported LUNs.
vSHARE optionally enables you to assign a special, user-defined LUN ID to a
vSHARE LUN when you export LUNs to an initiator group or initiator.
To assign a user-defined LUN ID to exported LUNs, select the Value
option button and enter a value in the space. User-defined LUN IDs may
make it easier differentiate between LUNs. If you do assign user-defined
LUN ID, HP recommends that you specify a number below 255 as some
operating systems (for example, Windows) will only discover LUN IDs
between 0 and 254.
To automatically assign an ID to the exported LUNs, select the Auto
option button.
Click the OK button.