Timeline name and ids, Timeline name, Timeline varid – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 57: Lsm id

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Timeline Name and IDs

Timeline Name


The Timeline Name field displays the name of the loaded timeline on the XNet network.


The Timeline Name field contains a maximum of 32 characters. It is not mandatory.

Contextual Menu from Field

Right-clicking this field gives access to a contextual menu. This menu allows the user to
manage the loaded timeline. See section "Timeline Management" on page 66 for more
information on the menu commands.

Modifying the Timeline Name

You can update the timeline name in the Properties window, which is accessible by right-
clicking the Timeline Name field and selecting Properties.

Timeline VarID

The VarID is a 32-character ID with variable length and format. It is automatically
assigned to new timelines. It is mainly used to ensure redundancy on the system. It can
be unique for a clip on the EVS video server level or on the XNet network level, depending
on the EVS server settings.



The LSM ID identifies the timeline position in the XNet network. The timeline can be
stored on bank 10 of any page of a server.

IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - IPEdit

6. Timeline