Adding locators, Characteristics – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 232

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The locators in IPEdit have the following characteristics:

They are represented by a reverse triangle.

They have a user-defined color,

They need to be associated to a timeline element on a single video or audio track.

You can add metadata to the locator.


This is not possible to place more than one locator at the same timecode on the
same track.

If more than one locator are positioned at the same timecode, but on different

tracks, they will appear as follows on the timecode bar:

6.16.2. Adding Locators

To add a locator anywhere to a timeline element, proceed as follows:

1. Position the nowline where you want to add the locator.

2. Do one of the following actions:

Right-click the Timecode bar, and select Add Locator from the contextual menu.



The Add Locator window opens:


6. Timeline

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012

Issue 6.00.A