Replacing timeline parts from mark in to mark out, Description, Procedure – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 120

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The timeline element(s) whose tracks are selected are replaced by the media loaded in the
Player from the nowline to their OUT point. In this action, the reference position in the
Player is matched to the nowline in the timeline.

Replacing Timeline Parts From Mark IN to Mark OUT


The following schema shows how the Match Frame Replace is performed when a part of
timeline between a mark IN and a mark OUT points is replaced.

You can perform a similar action to replace a portion of the timeline between a mark IN
and the nowline, or the nowline and a mark OUT. In this case, you define only the nowline
and the mark IN or OUT.


To replace parts of a timeline between a mark IN and mark OUT points using the Match
Frame Replace function, proceed as follows:

1. In the Player and Timeline panes, select the tracks to be taken into account when you

will insert the media. See section "Track Selection Applied to the Timeline Element"
on page 100.

2. In the Player panel, load the clip or train that contains the material to be inserted into

the timeline.

3. Click in the jog bar to define the reference position in the loaded media.

4. In the loaded timeline, place the mark IN and Mark Out to define the timeline portion to

be replaced.


6. Timeline

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012

Issue 6.00.A