Create clip from timeline – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual
Page 217

See section...
The user initiates the Replace process. This can
be done by clicking the
button above the
timeline or pressing CTRL +
"How To Render Part of a
Timeline Using the Replace
Function" on page 215.
The resulting A/V material is ingested back to the
server via the assigned recorder channel.
"How To Render Part of a
Timeline Using the Replace
Function" on page 215.
A newly created clip based on this ingested
material will directly replace the defined portion in
the timeline. The new clip includes a fixed
guardband IN and OUT of 3 seconds.
"How To Render Part of a
Timeline Using the Replace
Function" on page 215.
Create Clip From Timeline
The Create Clip from Timeline process can be summarized as follows:
See section...
The user first needs to assign a recorder channel to
IPEdit to be able to use the Create Clip function.
"Assigning a Recorder
Channel to IPEdit" on page
The user specifies the part of the timeline to be
replaced by defining a mark IN point and, possibly a
mark OUT point in the timeline. The mark OUT
point for the Create Clip function is optional. If no
OUT point exists, the user is performing an open-
ended rendering and can stop the rendering process
when desired.
"How To Consolidate a Part
of a Timeline Using the Clip
Creation From Timeline
Function" on page 216.
The user clicks the
button, which calls the
Create Clip From Timeline window to be filled in
with the requested clip information.
At this stage, the user specifies whether the
consolidated A/V material needs to be replaced in
the timeline itself.
"How To Consolidate a Part
of a Timeline Using the Clip
Creation From Timeline
Function" on page 216.
The resulting A/V material is ingested back to the
server via the assigned recorder channel.
"How To Consolidate a Part
of a Timeline Using the Clip
Creation From Timeline
Function" on page 216.
A newly created clip based on this ingested
material will directly be available in the Browser,
and possibly replace the defined portion in the
timeline. The new clip includes fixed IN and OUT
guardbands of 3 seconds.
"How To Consolidate a Part
of a Timeline Using the Clip
Creation From Timeline
Function" on page 216.
IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - IPEdit
6. Timeline