Manual swap definition in the general display mode, Example, Description – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 191

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Initial Situation

The source media has 4 tracks of 2 channels. The a1 channel has been muted from the
Player In the timeline, all buttons of the Timeline Track Selection are selected.

Automatic Swap Action

As you drag the source media into the timeline, you position the mouse on the G1 track.


The channel(s) muted on the source media in the Player are muted on the timeline:

6.13.5. Manual Swap Definition in the General

Display Mode


You can swap one or more channels of one or more elements selected on an audio track
when you are in the general timeline display. In this case, the swap is applied to the
swapped channels from the IN point to the OUT point of the selected elements.

You can define such a swap in the Swap/Mute Configuration window accessible when
right-clicking a given audio track of the selected elements and selecting Add Swap/Mute.
See section "Swap/Mute Configuration Window" on page 184 for a description of this

IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - IPEdit

6. Timeline