EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 137

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The Extend IN or OUT action generate the same results as the Extend IN or Extend OUT

Extend IN/OUT

Corresponds to …

Insert & Extend to mark IN

an Extend IN in Insert mode

Insert & Extend to mark OUT

an Extend OUT in Insert mode

Overwrite & Extend to mark IN

an Extend IN in Overwrite mode

Overwrite & Extend to mark OUT

an Extend OUT in Overwrite mode


How to Extend IN or Extend IN Slow/Fast a
Timeline Element

To extend the IN point of a timeline element, perform as follows:

1. With the Timeline Track Selection buttons, select the tracks to be taken into

account in the Extend action.

2. Select the Insert

or Overwrite

mode to be applied in the extend action by

clicking the Insert/Overwrite Global Mode button.

3. In the timeline loaded, click

to add a mark IN point before the transition of the

elements whose IN point you want to extend.

Define precisely the position of the mark IN point: IPEdit will indeed calculate the
duration of the extension based on the duration between:

the mark IN point added


the transition of the element to extend.

4. Do one of the following:

Click the Extend button

to perform the Extend action.

Click the Extend Slow/Fast button

to perform the Extend Slow/Fast action.

The Extend or the Extend Slow/Fast action is performed according to the defined settings:

on the selected tracks

in the selected Insert or Overwrite mode

on the elements after which the mark IN point has been added

with the duration between the mark IN point and the element transition.


When you place a mark IN and mark OUT before using the Extend function,
IPEdit will ask you which extend action you want to perform.

IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - IPEdit

6. Timeline