Live to tape function, Description, Limitations and constraints – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 8 User's Manual User Manual

Page 215: Cabling

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With the Create Clip from Timeline function, the output:

overwrites or not the initial timeline material,

is saved as a separate clip (and can therefore be used outside the timeline),

is directly available as a growing clip in IPDirector.

Live to Tape Function


The Live to Tape function aims at replacing a part of a timeline by A/V material recorded
live or previously ingested from a different camera angle. The video and audio tracks can
be desynchronized, so it is possible to have different mark IN points on video and audio
and to start the replacement of A/V material at different points in time for video and audio.
After a pre-roll period, the newly ingested material is automatically displayed on the
monitoring screen.

Typical use is for productions such as daily games or daily shows recorded in studio using
several cameras and a switcher for director's cut ingest. Such productions use the same
environment every day, sound and light are calibrated and they seldom require post-
production. IPEdit is then used instead of VTR devices.

Limitations and Constraints

No audio or video transition effect is available between the initial timeline element and
the newly recorded one.

The audio tracks cannot be desynchronized, so the take junction is the same for all
the audio tracks.

If an audio track has not been selected in the timeline, audio will be recorded on this
track even so.

No audio swap, mute or volume automation features are available, even if set in the
Replace settings.

No video transition effect is available between the initial timeline element and the
newly recorded one.

In order to achieve a frame accurate monitoring of a new take, the internal frame
synchronizer must be temporarily disabled eventually causing a video line shifting.
This video line shifting is obviously not present anymore when the take ingest has
been done and the timeline mode re-established.


The director's cut switcher must be connected to the EVS video server as follows.

It is connected to the recorder channel selected in the Associated Recorder Channel
zone of the IPEdit Status bar. This channel will be used to ingest the new take back to
the server.

IPDirector - Version 6.00 - User Manual - IPEdit

6. Timeline