Command description – Yaskawa SMC–4000 User Manual

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SMC–4000 User Manual

Command Description

Each executable instruction is listed in the following section in alphabetical order.

The two letter op-code for each instruction is placed in the upper left corner. Below the op-code is a
description of the command and required arguments. As arguments, some commands require actual
values to be specified following the instruction. These commands are followed by lower case x, y, z, and
w. Values may be specified for any axis separately or any combination of axes. Axis values are separated
by commas. Examples of valid x,y, z, w syntax are listed below. For the SMC–4000, the axis designators
a,b,c,d are used where x,y,z,w can be used interchangeably with a,b,c,d.

Where x, y, z and w are replaced by actual values.

A ? returns the specified value for that axis. For example, AC ?,?,?,?, returns the acceleration of the
X,Y,Z and W axes.

Other commands require action on the X,Y,Z or W axis to be specified. These commands are followed by
uppercase X,Y,Z or W. Action for a particular axis or any combination is specified by writing X,Y,Z or
W. No commas are needed. Valid XYZW syntax is listed below. The SMC–4000 uses ABCD axis
designators where XYZW can be used interchangeably with ABCD.

Valid x,y,z,w syntax


AC x

Specify x only

AC x,y

Specify x and y only

AC x,,z

Specify x and z only

AC x,y,z,w

Specify x,y,z,w

AC ,y

Specify y only

AC ,y,z

Specify y and z

AC ,,z

Specify z only

AC ,,,w

Specify w only

AC x,,,w

Specify x and w only

AC a,,,d

Specify a and d only