Yaskawa SMC–4000 User Manual
Smc–4000 user’s manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- Part Numbers
- Start-up
- Front Panel Description
- Axis Connector (20-pin)
- I/O Connections (50-pin CN5)
- Cable Shielding, Segregation and Noise Immunity
- Digital I/O
- Emergency Stop Chain
- Serial Communication
- External Encoder Specifications
- Dedicated Inputs
- Physical Specifications
- Hardware Specifications
- Dimensional Drawings
- 2 Theory of Operation
- 3 Communications
- 4 Command Reference
- Command Description
- Command Usage
- AB (Abort)
- @ABS (Absolute Value)
- AC (Acceleration)
- @ACOS (Arc Cosine)
- AD (After Distance)
- AE (Absolute Encoder)
- AI (After Input)
- AL (Arm Latch)
- AM (After Motion)
- AO (Analog Out)
- AP (After Absolute Position)
- AR (After Relative)
- AS (At Speed)
- @ASIN (Arc Sine)
- AT (After Time)
- @ATAN (Arc Tangent)
- AV (After Vector Distance)
- BG (Begin)
- BK (Breakpoint)
- BL (Backward Limit)
- BN (Burn Parameters)
- BP (Burn Program)
- BV (Burn Variables)
- CA (Coordinate Axes)
- CB (Clear Bit)
- CD (Contour Data)
- CE (Configure Encoder)
- CF (Configure Messages)
- CM (Contour Mode)
- CN (Configure Limit Switches)
- @COM (2’s Complement)
- @COS (Cosine)
- CR (Circle)
- CS (Clear Sequence)
- CW (Copyright)
- DA (De-allocate Variables)
- DC (Deceleration)
- DE (Dual (Auxiliary) Encoder)
- DL (Download)
- DM (Dimension Array)
- DP (Define Position)
- DT (Delta Time)
- DV (Dual Velocity (Dual Loop))
- EA (ECAM Master)
- EB (ECAM Enable)
- EC (ECAM Counter)
- ED (Edit Mode)
- EG (ECAM Engage)
- EM (ECAM Cycle)
- EN (End)
- EO (Echo)
- EP (ECam Table Intervals and Start Point)
- EQ (ECam Quit (Disengage))
- ER (Error Limit)
- ES (Ellipse Scale)
- ET (ECam Table)
- FA (Acceleration Feedforward)
- FE (Find Edge)
- FI (Find Index)
- FL (Forward Limit)
- @FRAC (Fraction)
- FV (Velocity Feedforward)
- GA (Master Axis for Gearing)
- GM (Gantry Mode)
- GR (Gear Ratio)
- HM (Home)
- HS (Handle Switch)
- HX (Halt Execution)
- IA (Internet Address)
- IF
- IH (Internet Handle)
- II (Input Interrupt)
- IL (Integrator Limit)
- IN (Input Variable)
- @IN (Input)
- @INT (Integer)
- IP (Increment Position)
- IT (Independent Time Constant)
- JG (Jog)
- JP (Jump to Program Location)
- JS (Jump to Subroutine)
- KD (Derivative Constant)
- KI (Integrator)
- KP (Proportional Constant)
- KS (Step Motor Smoothing)
- LA (List Arrays)
- LC (Lock Controller)
- LE (Linear Interpolation End)
- _LF* (Forward Limit)
- LI (Linear Interpolation Distance)
- LL (List Labels)
- LM (Linear Interpolation Mode)
- _LR* (Reverse Limit)
- LS (List Program)
- LT (Latch Target)
- LV (List Variables)
- LZ (Leading Zeros)
- MB (Modbus)
- MC (Motion Complete)
- MF (Motion Forward)
- MG (Message)
- MO (Motor Off)
- MR (Motion Reverse)
- MT (Motor Type)
- MW (Modbus Wait)
- ~n (Variable Axis Designator)
- NB (Notch Bandwidth)
- NF (Notch Filter)
- NO (No Operation)
- NZ (Notch Zero)
- OB (Output Bit)
- OE (Off On Error)
- OF (Offset)
- OP (Output Port)
- @OUT (Output)
- PA (Position Absolute)
- PF (Position Format)
- PL (Pole)
- PR (Position Relative)
- PW (Password)
- QA (Query Auxilliary Encoder Unmodularized Position)
- QD (Download Array)
- QP (Query Unmodularized Position)
- QR (Data Record)
- QU (Upload Array)
- QY (Query Yaskawa Absolute Encoder Alarm)
- QZ (Return Data Record Information)
- RA (Record Array)
- RC (Record)
- RD (Record Data)
- RE (Return from Error)
- RI (Return from Interrupt)
- RL (Report Latch)
- @RND (Round)
- RP (Reference Position)
- RS (Reset)
R S (Master Reset) - RU (Unmodularized Latch Position)
R U (Firmware Revision) - SA (Send Command)
- SB (Set Bit)
- SC (Stop Code)
- SH (Servo Here)
- @SIN (Sine)
- SL (Single Step)
- SP (Speed)
- @SQR (Square Root)
- ST (Stop)
- @TAN (Tangent)
- TB (Tell Status Byte)
- TC (Tell Code)
- TD (Tell Dual (Auxiliary) Encoder)
- TE (Tell Error)
- TH (Tell Handle)
- TI (Tell Inputs)
- TIME (Time Keyword)
- TK (Peak Torque Limit)
- TL (Torque Limit)
- TM (Time Base)
- TN (Tangent)
- TP (Tell Position)
- TR (Trace Mode)
- TS (Tell Switches)
- TT (Tell Torque)
- TV (Tell Velocity)
- TW (Time Wait)
- TY (Tell Yaskawa Absolute Encoder)
- UL (Upload)
- VA (Vector Acceleration)
- VD (Vector Deceleration)
- VE (Vector Sequence End)
- VF (Variable Format)
- VM (Coordinated Motion Mode)
- VP (Vector Position)
- VR (Vector Speed Ratio)
- VS (Vector Speed)
- VT (Vector Time Constant)
- WC (Wait for Contour)
- WH (Which Handle)
- WT (Wait)
- XQ (Execute Program)
- ZS (Zero Subroutine Stack)
- 5 Programming Basics
- 6 Programming Motion
- Overview
- Independent Axis Positioning
- Independent Jogging
- Linear Interpolation Mode
- Vector Mode: Linear and Circular Interpolation Motion
- The SMC-4000 allows a long 2-D path consisting of linear and arc segments to be prescribed. Motion along the path is continuous ...
- The coordinated motion mode is similar to the linear interpolation mode. Any pair of two axes may be selected for coordinated mo...
- The command VM m,n,p where “m” and “n” are the coordinated pair and “p” is the tangent axis.
- NOTE: The commas which separate m,n and p are not necessary. For example, VM XYZ selects the XY axes for coordinated motion and the Z-axis as the tangent.
- Specifying the Coordinate Plane
- The SMC-4000 allows for 2 separate sets of coordinated axes for linear interpolation mode or vector mode. These two sets are identified by the letters S and T.
- Specifying Vector Segments
- Additional Commands
- Command Summary - Coordinated Motion Sequence
- Operand Summary - Coordinated Motion Sequence
- Command Summary - Electronic Gearing
- Electronic Cam
- Virtual Axis
- Contour Mode
- Motion Smoothing
- Stepper Motor Operation
- Homing
- High Speed Position Capture (Latch Function)
- 7 Application Programming
- 8 Input and Output of Data
- 9 Programmable I/O
- 10 Example Applications
- 11 Troubleshooting
- 12 Index