H3C Technologies H3C WX3000E Series Wireless Switches User Manual
Page 197
# Create mesh profile 1, and bind WLAN mesh interface 1 to it.
[AC] wlan mesh-profile 1
[AC-wlan-mshp-1] bind WLAN-MESH 1
[AC-wlan-mshp-1] quit
# Configure an MKD-ID (The MKD-ID exists by default, and you can omit this command).
[AC] wlan mkd-id 0eab-01cd-ef00
# Enable the MKD service.
[AC] mkd-service enable mesh-profile 1
# Set the mesh ID as train for mesh profile 1, and enable the mesh profile.
[AC] wlan mesh-profile 1
[AC-wlan-mshp-1] mesh-id train
[AC-wlan-mshp-1] mesh-profile enable
[AC-wlan-mshp-1] quit
# Create MP policy rail_policy, and disable link initiation and the authenticator role.
[AC] wlan mp-policy rail_policy
[AC-wlan-mp-policy-rail_policy] undo link-initiation enable
[AC-wlan-mp-policy-rail_policy] undo role-authenticator enable
[AC-wlan-mp-policy-rail_policy] quit
# Create AP template railmpl of model WA2210X-GE, and configure its serial ID as
[AC] wlan ap railmp1 model wa2210x-ge
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1] serial-id 210235A42RB099000003
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1] portal-sevice enable
# Create radio 1, specify channel 149, map MP policy rail_policy and mesh profile 1 to the radio,
and enable the radio.
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1] radio 1
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1-radio-1] channel 1
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1-radio-1] mp-policy rail_policy
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1-radio-1] mesh-profile 1
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1-radio-1] radio enable
[AC-wlan-ap-railmp1-radio-1] return
Configurations for other rail MPs are similar.
Configure train MP:
# Enable port security.
[TrainMP] port-security enable
# Create WLAN mesh interface 1. Enable 11key negotiation, set a PSK, and set the port security
mode as PSK mode for the interface.
[TrainMP] interface wlan-mesh 1
[TrainMP-WLAN-MESH1] port-security tx-key-type 11key
[TrainMP-WLAN-MESH1] port-security preshared-key pass-phrase 12345678
[TrainMP-WLAN-MESH1] port-security port-mode psk
[TrainMP-WLAN-MESH1] quit
# Create mesh profile 1, and bind WLAN mesh interface 1 to it.
[TrainMP] wlan mesh-profile 1
[TrainMP-wlan-mshp-1] bind wlan-mesh 1
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