Making quickedits – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

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While it is not possible to add more dimensions in QuickEdit, it provides a way to

select the dimension splits and to modify its parameters. More extensive work with

dimensions is best left to the GigaStudio 3.0 Instrument Editor. See the related sections

on dimensions for more details.

The Wave view provides valuable visual feedback when adjusting various param-

eters or to monitor split points between samples.

In the Wave view are scroll (< / >) and zoom (+ / -) buttons for navigation as well as a

traditional waveform display for mono or stereo samples with a timeline along the top


Making QuickEdits

Now that you have a better concept of region and split selection (focus of an edit)

and the various controls available (edit parameters), you can confidently begin experi-

menting with QuickEdits. Remember any edits you make, no matter how drastic, will

have no effect on the original .Gig file instruement. You can always revert to a known

good starting point by opning the instrument in a new performance.

First, we will do a QuickEdit to a single split sample whose pitch sounds a little flat.

To find the exact sample, first play around the general area until you find the note. It is

important to discern if the entire region is affected by the pitch or if it is only one sam-

ple split. It may appear that the louder velocity, at MIDI note E5, in the C0 dimension is

the problem.

Before proceeding, we need to decide on

the type of selection we are going to make.

For dimension splits, use the Dimension Se-

lect menu to choose the type of selection. Since we are going to concentrate on only

one sample split, choose the individual splits option. To manually select the dimension

where our sample is located, click the green dimension control key (keyswitch).