Stacked instruments – Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 163

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MIDI Channel Buttons

The four buttons next to the velocity meter display are for Mute, Solo,

QuickEdit, and FX functions.

The Mute button sets the output volume to zero for the selected

channel. When a channel is muted, the button changes from gray to


The Solo button mutes all other channels except for the one(s) select-

ed to Solo. When a channel is soloed, the button changes from gray to

red. All other channels are automatically muted, so their Mute buttons

turn yellow to visually indicate their Mute status.

Launches the QuickEdit tool for the instrument loaded on the se-

lected channel. This a performance level edit using the QuickEdit tool.

Any changes made in this manner will be saved with the performance

file (.GSP), but will not affect the .GIG file itself. This makes it possible to have individual

tweaks to instruments for different songs, cues, and performance templates.

The Mute button sets the output volume to zero for the selected

channel. When a channel is muted, the button changes from gray to


Edit or bypass an embedded instrument effect by clicking the FX

drop-down menu. Select an effect from the list to edit that effect’s pa-


Stacked Instruments

Stack multiple instruments on a single MIDI channel with the Quick-

Sound stacking option. Enable stack mode by clicking the QuickSound Stack

Mode tool bar button.

With a stacked instrument, the main channel slot becomes the MIDI Channel Master

and the stacked instruments are labeled in outline fashion. Since the instruments are

all stacked on a single MIDI channel, they will all respond to the same MIDI messages

as sent from a sequencer or MIDI controller keyboard. This provides a very quick way to

layer multiple instruments together. See the QuickSound Tutorial for more information

about stacking instruments.