Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 104

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On a control with primary control only, the secondary control will be greyed out (dis-


On a control with a secondary control available, the control fields will be active.

For more details on the functions of the MIDI Control dialog, see the related reference

section. For this tutorial example, we will use the MIDI Mixer channel sliders to control a

DSP Station channel pair fader, Aux Send knob, and an NFX1 Reverb Decay slider.

First, load an instrument onto Port 1, Channel 1 in the MIDI Mixer. In this example we

will use the original GigaPiano.

Play the instrument and verify that you have sound at the output masters. Next, we

need to configure the three channel sliders to be out MIDI source controllers. Click on

each to assign a different controller.

Here, we have defined the first slider to control expression (cc11), while the second

slider is set to GPC 1 (cc16) and the third to mod wheel (cc1). Default values have been

assigned as well for each of these controllers. Although any combination of controller

will work just as well, we recommend using these controllers to follow along with the

tutorial procedure.