Teac GigaStudio 3 User Manual

Page 209

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EQ Menu

For each of the four bands of available EQ, there are six different

types available from its pop-up menu. Each of these types are ex-

plained individually below. The default state of a channel EQ band is

Parametric (BL), however each EQ band must be enabled with its ON


Click the Band Select slot, which is located just above the ON button

for each EQ band. This will bring bring up a menu where you can select

any one of six different EQ choices.

Band Select

EQ Activation

There is a separate activation button for each of the four bands of EQ.

They are dependent upon the channel EQ activation button. If a band of

EQ is activated, the ON button will be brightly lit as long as the group channel EQ but-

ton is ON, thus enabling any active bands of EQ. If the channel EQ button is bypassed,

the group channel EQ button will be dimly lit and any active EQ bands will be dimly lit

as well.

For the group channel EQ enables, the button states are:

OFF = No Effect available

ON = Effect Available and running

DIM = Effect available but bypassed

For the individual EQ band enables, the button states are:

OFF = Band disabled

ON = Band enabled and running

DIM = Band enabled but not available

Since the channel (or master) EQ button dictates the behavior of the EQ bands, the

group channel EQ enable button can be considered the parent. The individual EQ band

enable buttons can be considered its children and are dependent on the state of the


For group channel EQ enables, clicking on the button the state goes OFF (grey)<->ON

(brightly lt) or ON (brightly lit) <->DIM (bypassed). For the band enables, clicking on the

button goes ON (brightly lit)<->OFF (grey) or DIM (bypassed)<->OFF (grey).