Teac DS-M7.1 Applications Guide User Manual
Ds-m7.1, Applications guide, Ds-m7.1 digital surround monitor controller

Applications Guide
Up to 7.1-channel sur-
round monitor control
from nearly any console
or DAW
Standard 8-channel TDIF,
AES/EBU and ADAT con-
nections for a stem re-
8 input channels, 8 output
44.1, 48, 88.2, or 96kHz
Pull up/down operation
via external master clock
Flexible downmixing op-
Built-in Pink Noise gen-
erator for monitor calibra-
Individual channel Mute/
LED SPL display
Individual channel delay
Standard monitoring
controls like adjustable
Dim, Mono and Alternate
Surround Bass Manage-
Integrates with your ex-
isting control room moni-
tor output
DS-M7.1 Digital Surround Monitor Controller
esigned for the needs of surround
production studios, the DS-M7.1
is a complete monitor control solution
for tracking and mixing in surround.
With its 96kHz/24-bit digital process-
ing and fl exible routing and downmix
capabilities, the DS-M7.1 is a powerful
yet affordable monitor solution for stu-
dios ready for the future of surround
The DS-M7.1 supports nearly every
surround format, including mono, ste-
reo, LCRS, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1. Its downmix
feature allows you to hear the effect of
plus tracking and mixdown recorders
are provided in several digital formats,
from TDIF to AES/EBU and ADAT optical.
If you require a different digital format
than the one provided, optional card
slots allow you to specify the format
of your digital I/O, or even add analog
inputs and outputs. An AES/EBU in-
sert jack is also provided, to hear the
results of digital encoding like Dolby
Digital® and DTS®, and its I/O can also
be changed to another digital or analog
The front panel of the DS-M7.1 is
for place-
ment on
a console,
while the
sits in an
equipment rack or machine room. A
pair of balanced Stereo Control Room
outputs, selectable at the touch of a
button, allow you to check your mix in
stereo on another pair of monitors. The
Output Level control has an SPL refer-
ence display for consistent listening
levels. The DS-M7.1 also provides bass
management, and each output channel
has its own mute/solo button so that
individual channels can be checked for
noises or other problems. For surround
monitoring control in applications in-
cluding post-production for fi lm and
video, surround production for music,
creation of audio for video games and
multimedia, theatrical production
and television broadcast, the DS-M7.1
represents a powerful yet affordable
playing back your surround mix folded
down to stereo or mono for compat-
ibility. Monitor outputs are provided in
balanced analog and AES/EBU output
formats for more options when wiring
your studio.
The DS-M7.1 has digital inputs for
your console, tracking recorder and
master recorder. These inputs not
only allow it to control your studio
monitoring, but also allows fl exible
signal routing options. For example,
you may have one session which uses
your console’s buss outputs to record to
a tracking recorder, followed by another
session using the console’s outputs to
mix in surround to a mixdown deck.
With the DS-M7.1 dedicated I/O and
front-panel buttons, you don’t need to
repatch as your session requirements
Inputs and outputs for your console,